Your Apps in Action
Use this form to visualize A JSON schema for the Typedoc configuration file.
entryPointStrategy - The strategy to be used to convert entry points into documentation modules.
excludeExternals - Prevent externally resolved symbols from being documented.
excludeNotDocumented - Prevent symbols that are not explicitly documented from appearing in the results.
excludeInternal - Prevent symbols that are marked with @internal from being documented.
excludePrivate - Ignore private variables and methods.
excludeProtected - Ignore protected variables and methods.
disableSources - Disable setting the source of a reflection when documenting it.
watch - Watch files for changes and rebuild docs on change.
preserveWatchOutput - If set, TypeDoc will not clear the screen between compilation runs.
emit - Specify what TypeDoc should emit, 'docs', 'both', or 'none'.
pretty - Specify whether the output JSON should be formatted with tabs.
theme - Specify the path to the theme that should be used, or 'default' or 'minimal' to use built-in themes. Note: Not resolved according to the config file location, always resolved according to cwd.
lightHighlightTheme - Specify the code highlighting theme in light mode.
darkHighlightTheme - Specify the code highlighting theme in dark mode.
name - Set the name of the project that will be used in the header of the template.
includeVersion - Add the package version to the project name.
defaultCategory - Specify the default category for reflections without a category.
categorizeByGroup - Specify whether categorization will be done at the group level.
gitRevision - Use specified revision instead of the last revision for linking to GitHub/Bitbucket source files.
gitRemote - Use the specified remote for linking to GitHub/Bitbucket source files.
gaID - Set the Google Analytics tracking ID and activate tracking code.
gaSite - Set the site name for Google Analytics. Defaults to `auto`.
githubPages - Generate a .nojekyll file to prevent 404 errors in GitHub Pages. Defaults to `true`.
hideGenerator - Do not print the TypeDoc link at the end of the page.
hideLegend - Do not print the Legend for icons at the end of the page.
cleanOutputDir - If set, TypeDoc will remove the output directory before writing output.
showConfig - Print the resolved configuration and exit.
logger - Specify the logger that should be used, 'none' or 'console'.
logLevel - Specify what level of logging should be used.
treatWarningsAsErrors - If set, warnings will be treated as errors.
listInvalidSymbolLinks - Emit a list of broken symbol {@link navigation} links after documentation generation, DEPRECATED, prefer validation.invalidLink instead.
excludeTags Remove the listed tags from doc comments.
categoryOrder Specify the order in which categories appear. * indicates the relative order for categories not in the list.
sort Specify the sort strategy for documented values.
intentionallyNotExported A list of types which should not produce 'referenced but not documented' warnings.
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