Your Apps in Action

Use this form to visualize A YAML file with citation metadata for software or datasets..

Edit A YAML file with citation metadata for software or datasets.

authors The author(s) of the software or dataset.

# Actions
contact The contact person, group, company, etc. for the software or dataset.

# Actions
identifiers The identifiers of the software or dataset.

# Actions
keywords Keywords that describe the work.

# Values Actions

preferred-citation.authors The author(s) of a work.

# Actions
_ The contact person, group, company, etc. for a work.

# Actions

preferred-citation.editors The editor(s) of a work.

# Actions
preferred-citation.editors-series The editor(s) of a series in which a work has been published.

# Actions
preferred-citation.identifiers The identifier(s) of the work.

# Actions

preferred-citation.keywords Keywords pertaining to the work.

# Values Actions
preferred-citation.languages The language identifier(s) of the work according to ISO 639 language strings.

# Values Actions

preferred-citation.patent-states The states for which a patent is granted.

# Values Actions

preferred-citation.recipients The recipient(s) of a personal communication.

# Actions
preferred-citation.senders The sender(s) of a personal communication.

# Actions
preferred-citation.translators The translator(s) of a work.

# Actions
references Reference(s) to other creative works.

# abbreviation abstract collection-doi collection-title collection-type commit conference.address conference.alias Actions