Your Apps in Action
Use this form to visualize JSHint configuration file.
bitwise - Prohibit the use of bitwise operators (&, |, ^, etc.)
curly - Requires you to always put curly braces around blocks in loops and conditionals
eqeqeq - Prohibits the use of `==` and `!=` in favor of `===` and `!==`
esversion - The ECMAScript version to which the code must adhere
forin - Requires all `for in` loops to filter object's items with obj.hasOwnProperty()
freeze - Prohibits overwriting prototypes of native objects such as Array, Date and so on
funcscope - Suppresses warnings about declaring variables inside of control structures while accessing them later from the outside
futurehostile - Enables warnings about the use of identifiers which are defined in future versions of JavaScript
iterator - Suppresses warnings about the __iterator__ property.
latedef - Prohibits the use of a variable before it was defined
leanswitch - Prohibits unnecessary clauses within `switch` statements
maxcomplexity - Max cyclomatic complexity per function
maxdepth - Max depth of nested blocks
maxerr - Maximum amount of warnings JSHint will produce before giving up
maxparams - Max number of formal parameters allowed per function
maxstatements - Max number statements per function
noarg - Prohibits the use of `arguments.caller` and `arguments.callee`
nocomma - Prohibits the use of the comma operator
nonbsp - Warns about `non-breaking whitespace` characters
nonew - Prohibits the use of constructors for side-effects (without assignment)
notypeof - Suppresses warnings about invalid `typeof`operator values
noreturnawait - Async functions resolve on their return value. In most cases, this makes returning the result of an AwaitExpression (which is itself a Promise instance) unnecessary
regexpu - Enables warnings for regular expressions which do not include the 'u' flag
shadow - Suppresses warnings about variable shadowing. i.e. declaring a variable that had been already declared somewhere in the outer scope
singleGroups - Prohibits the use of the grouping operator when it is not strictly required.
strict - Requires all code to run in ES5 strict mode
trailingcomma - Warns when a comma is not placed after the last element in an array or object literal
undef - Prohibits the use of explicitly undeclared variables
unused - Warns when you define and never use your variables
varstmt - Forbids the use of VariableStatements (`var`) in favor of `let` and `const`
asi - Suppresses warnings about missing semicolons
boss - Suppresses warnings about the use of assignments in cases where comparisons are expected
debug - Suppresses warnings about the `debugger` statements in your code
elision - Tells JSHint that your code uses ES3 array elision elements, or empty elements
eqnull - Suppresses warnings about `== null` comparisons
evil - Suppresses warnings about the use of `eval`
expr - Suppresses warnings about the use of expressions where normally you would expect to see assignments or function calls
lastsemic - Suppresses warnings about missing semicolons, but only when the semicolon is omitted for the last statement in a one-line block
loopfunc - Suppresses warnings about functions inside of loops
moz - Tells JSHint that your code uses Mozilla JavaScript extensions
noyield - Suppresses warnings about generator functions with no `yield` statement in them
plusplus - Prohibits the use of `++` and `--`
proto - Suppresses warnings about the `__proto__` property
scripturl - Suppresses warnings about the use of script-targeted URLs
supernew - Suppresses warnings about constructions like `new function () { ... };` and `new Object;`
validthis - Suppresses warnings about possible strict violations when the code is running in strict mode and you use `this` in a non-constructor function
withstmt - Suppresses warnings about the use of the `with` statement
browser - [Environment] Web Browser (window, document, etc)
browserify - [Environment] Browserify
couch - [Environment] CouchDB
devel - [Environment] Development/debugging (alert, confirm, etc)
dojo - [Environment] Dojo Toolkit
jasmine - [Environment] Jasmine unit testing framework
jquery - [Environment] jQuery
mocha - [Environment] Mocha unit testing framework
module - [Environment] ES6 module
mootools - [Environment] MooTools
node - [Environment] Node.js
nonstandard - [Environment] Widely adopted globals (escape, unescape, etc)
phantom - [Environment] PhantomJS runtime environment
prototypejs - [Environment] Prototype JavaScript framework
rhino - [Environment] Rhino
shelljs - [Environment] Defines globals exposed by the ShellJS library
typed - [Environment] Defines globals for typed array constructors
worker - [Environment] Web Workers
wsh - [Environment] Windows Scripting Host
yui - [Environment] Yahoo User Interface
extends - Specify the path to another configuration file to use as a base, relative to the current file
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