Your Apps in Action

Use this form to visualize Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF), Version 2.1.0.


runs The set of runs contained in this log file.

# tool.driver.guid tool.driver.organization tool.driver.product tool.driver.productSuite tool.driver.shortDescription.text tool.driver.shortDescription.markdown tool.driver.fullDescription.text tool.driver.fullDescription.markdown tool.driver.fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.tool.driver.guid}} {{}} {{row.tool.driver.organization}} {{row.tool.driver.product}} {{row.tool.driver.productSuite}} {{row.tool.driver.shortDescription.text}} {{row.tool.driver.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.tool.driver.fullDescription.text}} {{row.tool.driver.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.tool.driver.fullName}}    
inlineExternalProperties References to external property files that share data between runs.

# schema version guid runGuid conversion.tool.driver.guid conversion.tool.driver.organization conversion.tool.driver.product conversion.tool.driver.productSuite conversion.tool.driver.shortDescription.text Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.schema}} {{row.version}} {{row.guid}} {{row.runGuid}} {{row.conversion.tool.driver.guid}} {{}} {{row.conversion.tool.driver.organization}} {{row.conversion.tool.driver.product}} {{row.conversion.tool.driver.productSuite}} {{row.conversion.tool.driver.shortDescription.text}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

tool.driver.notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
tool.driver.rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
tool.driver.taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
tool.driver.locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
tool.driver.contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
tool.driver.supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
tool.extensions Tool extensions that contributed to or reconfigured the analysis tool that was run.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
invocations Describes the invocation of the analysis tool.

# commandLine startTimeUtc endTimeUtc exitCode exitCodeDescription exitSignalName exitSignalNumber processStartFailureMessage executionSuccessful machine Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.commandLine}} {{row.startTimeUtc}} {{row.endTimeUtc}} {{row.exitCode}} {{row.exitCodeDescription}} {{row.exitSignalName}} {{row.exitSignalNumber}} {{row.processStartFailureMessage}} {{row.executionSuccessfulSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.machine}}    



_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

conversion.tool.driver.notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
conversion.tool.driver.rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
conversion.tool.driver.taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
conversion.tool.driver.locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
conversion.tool.driver.contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
conversion.tool.driver.supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
conversion.tool.extensions Tool extensions that contributed to or reconfigured the analysis tool that was run.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

conversion.invocation.arguments An array of strings, containing in order the command line arguments passed to the tool from the operating system.

# Values Actions
conversion.invocation.responseFiles The locations of any response files specified on the tool's command line.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
conversion.invocation.ruleConfigurationOverrides An array of configurationOverride objects that describe rules related runtime overrides.

# configuration.enabled configuration.level configuration.rank descriptor.index descriptor.guid descriptor.toolComponent.index descriptor.toolComponent.guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.configuration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.configuration.level}} {{row.configuration.rank}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.index}} {{row.descriptor.guid}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.index}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.guid}}    
conversion.invocation.notificationConfigurationOverrides An array of configurationOverride objects that describe notifications related runtime overrides.

# configuration.enabled configuration.level configuration.rank descriptor.index descriptor.guid descriptor.toolComponent.index descriptor.toolComponent.guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.configuration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.configuration.level}} {{row.configuration.rank}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.index}} {{row.descriptor.guid}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.index}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.guid}}    
conversion.invocation.toolExecutionNotifications A list of runtime conditions detected by the tool during the analysis.

# message.text message.markdown level threadId timeUtc exception.kind exception.message exception.stack.message.text exception.stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}} {{row.level}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.timeUtc}} {{row.exception.kind}} {{row.exception.message}} {{row.exception.stack.message.text}} {{row.exception.stack.message.markdown}}    
conversion.invocation.toolConfigurationNotifications A list of conditions detected by the tool that are relevant to the tool's configuration.

# message.text message.markdown level threadId timeUtc exception.kind exception.message exception.stack.message.text exception.stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}} {{row.level}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.timeUtc}} {{row.exception.kind}} {{row.exception.message}} {{row.exception.stack.message.text}} {{row.exception.stack.message.markdown}}    


conversion.invocation.executableLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.workingDirectory.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



conversion.invocation.stdin.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.stdout.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.stderr.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.stdoutStderr.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
conversion.analysisToolLogFiles The locations of the analysis tool's per-run log files.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
versionControlProvenance Specifies the revision in version control of the artifacts that were scanned.

# repositoryUri revisionId branch revisionTag asOfTimeUtc mappedTo.uri mappedTo.uriBaseId mappedTo.index mappedTo.description.text mappedTo.description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.repositoryUri}} {{row.revisionId}} {{row.branch}} {{row.revisionTag}} {{row.asOfTimeUtc}} {{row.mappedTo.uri}} {{row.mappedTo.uriBaseId}} {{row.mappedTo.index}} {{row.mappedTo.description.text}} {{row.mappedTo.description.markdown}}    

artifacts An array of artifact objects relevant to the run.

# description.text description.markdown location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.parentIndex}}    
logicalLocations An array of logical locations such as namespaces, types or functions.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    
graphs An array of zero or more unique graph objects associated with the run.

# description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
results The set of results contained in an SARIF log. The results array can be omitted when a run is solely exporting rules metadata. It must be present (but may be empty) if a log file represents an actual scan.

# ruleId ruleIndex rule.index rule.guid rule.toolComponent.index rule.toolComponent.guid kind level Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.ruleId}} {{row.ruleIndex}} {{}} {{row.rule.index}} {{row.rule.guid}} {{}} {{row.rule.toolComponent.index}} {{row.rule.toolComponent.guid}} {{row.kind}} {{row.level}}    


automationDetails.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
runAggregates Automation details that describe the aggregate of runs to which this run belongs.

# description.text description.markdown id guid correlationGuid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.correlationGuid}}    
redactionTokens An array of strings used to replace sensitive information in a redaction-aware property.

# Values Actions
newlineSequences An ordered list of character sequences that were treated as line breaks when computing region information for the run.

# Values Actions




externalPropertyFileReferences.conversion.location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
externalPropertyFileReferences.graphs An array of external property files containing a run.graphs object to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    



externalPropertyFileReferences.externalizedProperties.location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
externalPropertyFileReferences.artifacts An array of external property files containing run.artifacts arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.invocations An array of external property files containing run.invocations arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.logicalLocations An array of external property files containing run.logicalLocations arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.threadFlowLocations An array of external property files containing run.threadFlowLocations arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.results An array of external property files containing run.results arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.taxonomies An array of external property files containing run.taxonomies arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.addresses An array of external property files containing run.addresses arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    



externalPropertyFileReferences.driver.location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
externalPropertyFileReferences.extensions An array of external property files containing run.extensions arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.policies An array of external property files containing run.policies arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.translations An array of external property files containing run.translations arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.webRequests An array of external property files containing run.requests arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}    
externalPropertyFileReferences.webResponses An array of external property files containing run.responses arrays to be merged with the root log file.

# location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown guid itemCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.guid}} {{row.itemCount}}
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
threadFlowLocations An array of threadFlowLocation objects cached at run level.

# index location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.index}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}}    
taxonomies An array of toolComponent objects relevant to a taxonomy in which results are categorized.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}    
addresses Addresses associated with this run instance, if any.

# absoluteAddress relativeAddress length kind name fullyQualifiedName offsetFromParent index parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.absoluteAddress}} {{row.relativeAddress}} {{row.length}} {{row.kind}} {{}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.offsetFromParent}} {{row.index}} {{row.parentIndex}}    
translations The set of available translations of the localized data provided by the tool.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}    
policies Contains configurations that may potentially override both reportingDescriptor.defaultConfiguration (the tool's default severities) and invocation.configurationOverrides (severities established at run-time from the command line).

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}    
webRequests An array of request objects cached at run level.

# index protocol version target method body.text body.binary body.rendered.text body.rendered.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.index}} {{row.protocol}} {{row.version}} {{}} {{row.method}} {{row.body.text}} {{row.body.binary}} {{row.body.rendered.text}} {{row.body.rendered.markdown}}    
webResponses An array of response objects cached at run level.

# index protocol version statusCode reasonPhrase body.text body.binary body.rendered.text body.rendered.markdown noResponseReceived Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.index}} {{row.protocol}} {{row.version}} {{row.statusCode}} {{row.reasonPhrase}} {{row.body.text}} {{row.body.binary}} {{row.body.rendered.text}} {{row.body.rendered.markdown}} {{row.noResponseReceivedSelected.DisplayText}}    



specialLocations.displayBase.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_relationships A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_relationships A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
kinds A set of distinct strings that categorize the relationship. Well-known kinds include 'canPrecede', 'canFollow', 'willPrecede', 'willFollow', 'superset', 'subset', 'equal', 'disjoint', 'relevant', and 'incomparable'.

# Values Actions

description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_relationships A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_tool_driver_locations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_locations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

arguments An array of strings, containing in order the command line arguments passed to the tool from the operating system.

# Values Actions
responseFiles The locations of any response files specified on the tool's command line.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
ruleConfigurationOverrides An array of configurationOverride objects that describe rules related runtime overrides.

# configuration.enabled configuration.level configuration.rank descriptor.index descriptor.guid descriptor.toolComponent.index descriptor.toolComponent.guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.configuration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.configuration.level}} {{row.configuration.rank}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.index}} {{row.descriptor.guid}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.index}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.guid}}    
notificationConfigurationOverrides An array of configurationOverride objects that describe notifications related runtime overrides.

# configuration.enabled configuration.level configuration.rank descriptor.index descriptor.guid descriptor.toolComponent.index descriptor.toolComponent.guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.configuration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.configuration.level}} {{row.configuration.rank}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.index}} {{row.descriptor.guid}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.index}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.guid}}    
toolExecutionNotifications A list of runtime conditions detected by the tool during the analysis.

# message.text message.markdown level threadId timeUtc exception.kind exception.message exception.stack.message.text exception.stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}} {{row.level}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.timeUtc}} {{row.exception.kind}} {{row.exception.message}} {{row.exception.stack.message.text}} {{row.exception.stack.message.markdown}}    
toolConfigurationNotifications A list of conditions detected by the tool that are relevant to the tool's configuration.

# message.text message.markdown level threadId timeUtc exception.kind exception.message exception.stack.message.text exception.stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}} {{row.level}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.timeUtc}} {{row.exception.kind}} {{row.exception.message}} {{row.exception.stack.message.text}} {{row.exception.stack.message.markdown}}    


executableLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


workingDirectory.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



stdin.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


stdout.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


stderr.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


stdoutStderr.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_responseFiles A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



configuration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_ruleConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_ruleConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_ruleConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



configuration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_notificationConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_notificationConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_notificationConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

locations The locations relevant to this notification.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



exception.stack.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.stack.frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}
_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message.text stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message.text}} {{row.stack.message.markdown}} {{}}
_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

location.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
location.relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_exception_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
parameters The parameters of the call that is executing.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_location_annotations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_location_annotations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_location_annotations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

kinds A set of distinct strings that categorize the relationship. Well-known kinds include 'includes', 'isIncludedBy' and 'relevant'.

# Values Actions

description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_location_relationships A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



stack.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_exception_innerExceptions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
stack.frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}
_exception_innerExceptions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message.text stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message.text}} {{row.stack.message.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

location.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
location.relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_stack_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
parameters The parameters of the call that is executing.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



stack.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_innerExceptions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
stack.frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}
_innerExceptions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message.text stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message.text}} {{row.stack.message.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

locations The locations relevant to this notification.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



exception.stack.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.stack.frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}
_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message.text stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message.text}} {{row.stack.message.markdown}} {{}}
_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_driver_locations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_conversion_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_tool_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_responseFiles A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



configuration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_ruleConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_invocation_ruleConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_ruleConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



configuration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_notificationConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_invocation_notificationConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_notificationConfigurationOverrides A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

locations The locations relevant to this notification.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



exception.stack.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.stack.frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}
_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message.text stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message.text}} {{row.stack.message.markdown}} {{}}
_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolExecutionNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

locations The locations relevant to this notification.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



exception.stack.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.stack.frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}
_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message.text stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message.text}} {{row.stack.message.markdown}} {{}}
_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_conversion_invocation_toolConfigurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_conversion_analysisToolLogFiles A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



mappedTo.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_versionControlProvenance A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_versionControlProvenance A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_artifacts A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_artifacts A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_artifacts A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
roles The role or roles played by the artifact in the analysis.

# Actions

_artifacts A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_artifacts A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_graphs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
nodes An array of node objects representing the nodes of the graph.

# id label.text label.markdown location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.label.text}} {{row.label.markdown}} {{}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}}    
edges An array of edge objects representing the edges of the graph.

# id label.text label.markdown sourceNodeId targetNodeId Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.label.text}} {{row.label.markdown}} {{}} {{row.sourceNodeId}} {{row.targetNodeId}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


label.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

location.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
location.relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_nodes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
children Array of child nodes.

# id label.text label.markdown location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.label.text}} {{row.label.markdown}} {{}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


label.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

location.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
location.relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_children A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
children Array of child nodes.

# id label.text label.markdown location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.label.text}} {{row.label.markdown}} {{}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


label.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_edges A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


analysisTarget.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
locations The set of locations where the result was detected. Specify only one location unless the problem indicated by the result can only be corrected by making a change at every specified location.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    


stacks An array of 'stack' objects relevant to the result.

# message.text message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}}    
codeFlows An array of 'codeFlow' objects relevant to the result.

# message.text message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}}    
graphs An array of zero or more unique graph objects associated with the result.

# description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
graphTraversals An array of one or more unique 'graphTraversal' objects.

# runGraphIndex resultGraphIndex description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.runGraphIndex}} {{row.resultGraphIndex}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
relatedLocations A set of locations relevant to this result.

# id physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress physicalLocation.address.length physicalLocation.address.kind physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent physicalLocation.address.index physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}    
suppressions A set of suppressions relevant to this result.

# guid kind status justification location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{row.kind}} {{row.status}} {{row.justification}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}}    
attachments A set of artifacts relevant to the result.

# description.text description.markdown artifactLocation.uri artifactLocation.uriBaseId artifactLocation.index artifactLocation.description.text artifactLocation.description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.artifactLocation.uri}} {{row.artifactLocation.uriBaseId}} {{row.artifactLocation.index}} {{row.artifactLocation.description.text}} {{row.artifactLocation.description.markdown}} {{}}    
workItemUris The URIs of the work items associated with this result.

# Values Actions

provenance.conversionSources An array of physicalLocation objects which specify the portions of an analysis tool's output that a converter transformed into the result.

# address.absoluteAddress address.relativeAddress address.length address.kind address.fullyQualifiedName address.offsetFromParent address.index address.parentIndex artifactLocation.uri Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.address.length}} {{row.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.address.index}} {{row.address.parentIndex}} {{row.artifactLocation.uri}}
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
fixes An array of 'fix' objects, each of which represents a proposed fix to the problem indicated by the result.

# description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
taxa An array of references to taxonomy reporting descriptors that are applicable to the result.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    




_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_stacks A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

location.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
location.relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_frames A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
parameters The parameters of the call that is executing.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_codeFlows A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
threadFlows An array of one or more unique threadFlow objects, each of which describes the progress of a program through a thread of execution.

# id message.text message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_threadFlows A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


locations A temporally ordered array of 'threadFlowLocation' objects, each of which describes a location visited by the tool while producing the result.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_graphTraversals A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


edgeTraversals The sequences of edges traversed by this graph traversal.

# edgeId message.text message.markdown stepOverEdgeCount Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.edgeId}} {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}} {{row.stepOverEdgeCount}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_edgeTraversals A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_relatedLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_annotations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_annotations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_annotations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

location.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
location.relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_suppressions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_attachments A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_attachments A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_attachments A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
regions An array of regions of interest within the attachment.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
rectangles An array of rectangles specifying areas of interest within the image.

# top left bottom right message.text message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.left}} {{row.bottom}} {{row.right}} {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_regions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_regions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_regions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_rectangles A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_provenance_conversionSources A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_fixes A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
artifactChanges One or more artifact changes that comprise a fix for a result.

# artifactLocation.uri artifactLocation.uriBaseId artifactLocation.index artifactLocation.description.text artifactLocation.description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.artifactLocation.uri}} {{row.artifactLocation.uriBaseId}} {{row.artifactLocation.index}} {{row.artifactLocation.description.text}} {{row.artifactLocation.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_artifactChanges A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_artifactChanges A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
replacements An array of replacement objects, each of which represents the replacement of a single region in a single artifact specified by 'artifactLocation'.

# deletedRegion.startLine deletedRegion.startColumn deletedRegion.endLine deletedRegion.endColumn deletedRegion.charOffset deletedRegion.charLength deletedRegion.byteOffset deletedRegion.byteLength deletedRegion.snippet.text deletedRegion.snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.deletedRegion.startLine}} {{row.deletedRegion.startColumn}} {{row.deletedRegion.endLine}} {{row.deletedRegion.endColumn}} {{row.deletedRegion.charOffset}} {{row.deletedRegion.charLength}} {{row.deletedRegion.byteOffset}} {{row.deletedRegion.byteLength}} {{row.deletedRegion.snippet.text}} {{row.deletedRegion.snippet.binary}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_replacements A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_replacements A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deletedRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_replacements A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_replacements A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_replacements A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_replacements A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_runAggregates A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_graphs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_graphs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_artifacts A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_artifacts A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_invocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_logicalLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_logicalLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_results A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_addresses A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_addresses A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_webRequests A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_webRequests A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



location.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_webResponses A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_externalPropertyFileReferences_webResponses A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


location.physicalLocation.artifactLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.region.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

location.physicalLocation.contextRegion.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.logicalLocations The logical locations associated with the result.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    

location.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
location.annotations A set of regions relevant to the location.

# startLine startColumn endLine endColumn charOffset charLength byteOffset byteLength snippet.text snippet.binary Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.startLine}} {{row.startColumn}} {{row.endLine}} {{row.endColumn}} {{row.charOffset}} {{row.charLength}} {{row.byteOffset}} {{row.byteLength}} {{row.snippet.text}} {{row.snippet.binary}}    
location.relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.

# target description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


stack.message.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
stack.frames An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.parentIndex}}
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
kinds A set of distinct strings that categorize the thread flow location. Well-known kinds include 'acquire', 'release', 'enter', 'exit', 'call', 'return', 'branch', 'implicit', 'false', 'true', 'caution', 'danger', 'unknown', 'unreachable', 'taint', 'function', 'handler', 'lock', 'memory', 'resource', 'scope' and 'value'.

# Values Actions
taxa An array of references to rule or taxonomy reporting descriptors that are applicable to the thread flow location.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    





_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_threadFlowLocations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_taxonomies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_translations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_policies A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions




_webRequests A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_webRequests A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



_webResponses A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_webResponses A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions




_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

conversion.tool.driver.notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
conversion.tool.driver.rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
conversion.tool.driver.taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
conversion.tool.driver.locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
conversion.tool.driver.contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
conversion.tool.driver.supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
conversion.tool.extensions Tool extensions that contributed to or reconfigured the analysis tool that was run.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

conversion.invocation.arguments An array of strings, containing in order the command line arguments passed to the tool from the operating system.

# Values Actions
conversion.invocation.responseFiles The locations of any response files specified on the tool's command line.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
conversion.invocation.ruleConfigurationOverrides An array of configurationOverride objects that describe rules related runtime overrides.

# configuration.enabled configuration.level configuration.rank descriptor.index descriptor.guid descriptor.toolComponent.index descriptor.toolComponent.guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.configuration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.configuration.level}} {{row.configuration.rank}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.index}} {{row.descriptor.guid}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.index}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.guid}}    
conversion.invocation.notificationConfigurationOverrides An array of configurationOverride objects that describe notifications related runtime overrides.

# configuration.enabled configuration.level configuration.rank descriptor.index descriptor.guid descriptor.toolComponent.index descriptor.toolComponent.guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.configuration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.configuration.level}} {{row.configuration.rank}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.index}} {{row.descriptor.guid}} {{}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.index}} {{row.descriptor.toolComponent.guid}}    
conversion.invocation.toolExecutionNotifications A list of runtime conditions detected by the tool during the analysis.

# message.text message.markdown level threadId timeUtc exception.kind exception.message exception.stack.message.text exception.stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}} {{row.level}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.timeUtc}} {{row.exception.kind}} {{row.exception.message}} {{row.exception.stack.message.text}} {{row.exception.stack.message.markdown}}    
conversion.invocation.toolConfigurationNotifications A list of conditions detected by the tool that are relevant to the tool's configuration.

# message.text message.markdown level threadId timeUtc exception.kind exception.message exception.stack.message.text exception.stack.message.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message.text}} {{row.message.markdown}} {{}} {{row.level}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.timeUtc}} {{row.exception.kind}} {{row.exception.message}} {{row.exception.stack.message.text}} {{row.exception.stack.message.markdown}}    


conversion.invocation.executableLocation.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.workingDirectory.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



conversion.invocation.stdin.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.stdout.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.stderr.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


conversion.invocation.stdoutStderr.description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
conversion.analysisToolLogFiles The locations of the analysis tool's per-run log files.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
graphs An array of graph objects that will be merged with a separate run.

# description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

externalizedProperties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
artifacts An array of artifact objects that will be merged with a separate run.

# description.text description.markdown location.uri location.uriBaseId location.index location.description.text location.description.markdown parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.location.uri}} {{row.location.uriBaseId}} {{row.location.index}} {{row.location.description.text}} {{row.location.description.markdown}} {{}} {{row.parentIndex}}    
invocations Describes the invocation of the analysis tool that will be merged with a separate run.

# commandLine startTimeUtc endTimeUtc exitCode exitCodeDescription exitSignalName exitSignalNumber processStartFailureMessage executionSuccessful machine Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.commandLine}} {{row.startTimeUtc}} {{row.endTimeUtc}} {{row.exitCode}} {{row.exitCodeDescription}} {{row.exitSignalName}} {{row.exitSignalNumber}} {{row.processStartFailureMessage}} {{row.executionSuccessfulSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.machine}}    
logicalLocations An array of logical locations such as namespaces, types or functions that will be merged with a separate run.

# name index fullyQualifiedName decoratedName parentIndex kind Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.decoratedName}} {{row.parentIndex}} {{row.kind}}    
threadFlowLocations An array of threadFlowLocation objects that will be merged with a separate run.

# index location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress location.physicalLocation.address.length location.physicalLocation.address.kind location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent location.physicalLocation.address.index Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.index}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.absoluteAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.relativeAddress}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.length}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.kind}} {{}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.offsetFromParent}} {{row.location.physicalLocation.address.index}}    
results An array of result objects that will be merged with a separate run.

# ruleId ruleIndex rule.index rule.guid rule.toolComponent.index rule.toolComponent.guid kind level Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.ruleId}} {{row.ruleIndex}} {{}} {{row.rule.index}} {{row.rule.guid}} {{}} {{row.rule.toolComponent.index}} {{row.rule.toolComponent.guid}} {{row.kind}} {{row.level}}    
taxonomies Tool taxonomies that will be merged with a separate run.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}    

_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

driver.notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
driver.rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
driver.taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
driver.locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
driver.contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
driver.supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}
_inlineExternalProperties A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
extensions Tool extensions that will be merged with a separate run.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}    
policies Tool policies that will be merged with a separate run.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}    
translations Tool translations that will be merged with a separate run.

# guid name organization product productSuite shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown fullName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.organization}} {{row.product}} {{row.productSuite}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullName}}    
addresses Addresses that will be merged with a separate run.

# absoluteAddress relativeAddress length kind name fullyQualifiedName offsetFromParent index parentIndex Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.absoluteAddress}} {{row.relativeAddress}} {{row.length}} {{row.kind}} {{}} {{row.fullyQualifiedName}} {{row.offsetFromParent}} {{row.index}} {{row.parentIndex}}    
webRequests Requests that will be merged with a separate run.

# index protocol version target method body.text body.binary body.rendered.text body.rendered.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.index}} {{row.protocol}} {{row.version}} {{}} {{row.method}} {{row.body.text}} {{row.body.binary}} {{row.body.rendered.text}} {{row.body.rendered.markdown}}    
webResponses Responses that will be merged with a separate run.

# index protocol version statusCode reasonPhrase body.text body.binary body.rendered.text body.rendered.markdown noResponseReceived Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.index}} {{row.protocol}} {{row.version}} {{row.statusCode}} {{row.reasonPhrase}} {{row.body.text}} {{row.body.binary}} {{row.body.rendered.text}} {{row.body.rendered.markdown}} {{row.noResponseReceivedSelected.DisplayText}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_notifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_rules A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

deprecatedIds An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedGuids An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
deprecatedNames An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.

# Values Actions
_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



defaultConfiguration.parameters.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_driver_taxa A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
relationships An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.

# target.index target.guid target.toolComponent.index target.toolComponent.guid description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


description.arguments An array of strings to substitute into the message string.

# Values Actions
_driver_locations A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

notifications An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
rules An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
taxa An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.

# id guid name shortDescription.text shortDescription.markdown fullDescription.text fullDescription.markdown defaultConfiguration.enabled defaultConfiguration.level defaultConfiguration.rank Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.guid}} {{}} {{row.shortDescription.text}} {{row.shortDescription.markdown}} {{row.fullDescription.text}} {{row.fullDescription.markdown}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.enabledSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.level}} {{row.defaultConfiguration.rank}}    
locations An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.

# uri uriBaseId index description.text description.markdown Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.index}} {{row.description.text}} {{row.description.markdown}} {{}}    
contents The kinds of data contained in this object.

# Actions
_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
_extensions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
supportedTaxonomies An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.

# name index guid Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.index}} {{row.guid}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
