Your Apps in Action
Use this form to visualize The .version file format for KSP-AVC.
NAME - The display name for the add-on
URL - Location of a remote version file for update checking
DOWNLOAD - Web address where the latest version can be downloaded
CHANGE_LOG - The complete or incremental change log for the add-on
CHANGE_LOG_URL - Populates the CHANGE_LOG field using the file at this url
GITHUB.USERNAME - Your GitHub username
GITHUB.REPOSITORY - The name of the source repository
GITHUB.ALLOW_PRE_RELEASE - Include pre-releases in the latest release search
KERBAL_STUFF_URL - URL to this mod's page on KerbalStuff
DISALLOW_VERSION_OVERRIDE - If true, don't trust KSP-AVC's idea of which game versions are compatible with which other game versions, based on user configuration
ASSEMBLY_NAME - DO NOT USE, won't work with CKAN; name of a DLL to check for VERSION on the fly
LOCAL_HAS_PRIORITY - DO NOT USE, won't work with CKAN; if true, don't override properties using the remote version file
REMOTE_HAS_PRIORITY - DO NOT USE, won't work with CKAN; if false, don't override properties using the remote version file
KSP_VERSION_INCLUDE DO NOT USE, won't work with CKAN; a list of versions with which this mod is compatible
KSP_VERSION_EXCLUDE DO NOT USE, won't work with CKAN; a list of versions with which this mod is incompatible
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