Your Apps in Action
Use this form to visualize Windows Package Manager Singleton Manifest file.
PackageIdentifier - The package unique identifier
PackageVersion - The package version
PackageLocale - The package meta-data locale
Publisher - The publisher name
PublisherUrl - Optional Url type
PublisherSupportUrl - Optional Url type
PrivacyUrl - Optional Url type
Author - The package author
PackageName - The package name
PackageUrl - Optional Url type
License - The package license
LicenseUrl - Optional Url type
Copyright - The package copyright
CopyrightUrl - Optional Url type
ShortDescription - The short package description
Description - The full package description
Moniker - Package moniker or tag
Tags - List of additional package search terms
Channel - The distribution channel
InstallerLocale - The package meta-data locale
Platform - The installer supported operating system
MinimumOSVersion - The installer minimum operating system version
InstallerType - Enumeration of supported installer types
Scope - Scope indicates if the installer is per user or per machine
InstallModes - List of supported installer modes
InstallerSwitches.Silent - Silent is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses a silent or quiet install
InstallerSwitches.SilentWithProgress - SilentWithProgress is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses a non-interactive install
InstallerSwitches.Interactive - Interactive is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses an interactive install
InstallerSwitches.InstallLocation - InstallLocation is the value passed to the installer for custom install location. <INSTALLPATH> token can be included in the switch value so that winget will replace the token with user provided path
InstallerSwitches.Log - Log is the value passed to the installer for custom log file path. <LOGPATH> token can be included in the switch value so that winget will replace the token with user provided path
InstallerSwitches.Upgrade - Upgrade is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses an upgrade
InstallerSwitches.Custom - Custom switches will be passed directly to the installer by winget
InstallerSuccessCodes - List of additional non-zero installer success exit codes other than known default values by winget
UpgradeBehavior - The upgrade method
Commands - List of commands or aliases to run the package
Protocols - List of protocols the package provides a handler for
FileExtensions - List of file extensions the package could support
PackageFamilyName - PackageFamilyName for appx or msix installer. Could be used for correlation of packages across sources
ProductCode - ProductCode could be used for correlation of packages across sources
Capabilities - List of appx or msix installer capabilities
RestrictedCapabilities - List of appx or msix installer restricted capabilities
ManifestType - The manifest type
ManifestVersion - The manifest syntax version
Installers Installers
InstallerLocale - The package meta-data locale
Platform - The installer supported operating system
MinimumOSVersion - The installer minimum operating system version
Architecture - The installer target architecture
InstallerType - Enumeration of supported installer types
Scope - Scope indicates if the installer is per user or per machine
InstallerUrl - The installer Url
InstallerSha256 - Sha256 is required. Sha256 of the installer
SignatureSha256 - SignatureSha256 is recommended for appx or msix. It is the sha256 of signature file inside appx or msix. Could be used during streaming install if applicable
InstallModes - List of supported installer modes
InstallerSwitches.Silent - Silent is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses a silent or quiet install
InstallerSwitches.SilentWithProgress - SilentWithProgress is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses a non-interactive install
InstallerSwitches.Interactive - Interactive is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses an interactive install
InstallerSwitches.InstallLocation - InstallLocation is the value passed to the installer for custom install location. <INSTALLPATH> token can be included in the switch value so that winget will replace the token with user provided path
InstallerSwitches.Log - Log is the value passed to the installer for custom log file path. <LOGPATH> token can be included in the switch value so that winget will replace the token with user provided path
InstallerSwitches.Upgrade - Upgrade is the value that should be passed to the installer when user chooses an upgrade
InstallerSwitches.Custom - Custom switches will be passed directly to the installer by winget
InstallerSuccessCodes - List of additional non-zero installer success exit codes other than known default values by winget
UpgradeBehavior - The upgrade method
Commands - List of commands or aliases to run the package
Protocols - List of protocols the package provides a handler for
FileExtensions - List of file extensions the package could support
PackageFamilyName - PackageFamilyName for appx or msix installer. Could be used for correlation of packages across sources
ProductCode - ProductCode could be used for correlation of packages across sources
Capabilities - List of appx or msix installer capabilities
RestrictedCapabilities - List of appx or msix installer restricted capabilities
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