dictionaries Optional list of dictionaries to use.
dictionaryDefinitions Define additional available dictionaries
enabledLanguageIds languageIds for the files to spell check.
flagWords list of words to always be considered incorrect.
ignorePaths Glob file patterns to be ignored
ignoreRegExpList ignoreRegExpList
ignoreWords list of words to be ignored
includeRegExpList includeRegExpList
languageSettings Additional settings for individual languages.
overrides Overrides to apply based upon the file path.
patterns Defines a list of patterns that can be used in ignoreRegExpList and includeRegExpList
userWords Words to add to dictionary -- should only be in the user config file.
words list of words to be always considered correct
dictionaries Optional list of dictionaries to use.
dictionaryDefinitions Define additional available dictionaries
flagWords list of words to always be considered incorrect.
ignoreRegExpList ignoreRegExpList
includeRegExpList includeRegExpList
patterns Defines a list of patterns that can be used in ignoreRegExpList and includeRegExpList
words list of words to be always considered correct
dictionaries Optional list of dictionaries to use.
dictionaryDefinitions Define additional available dictionaries
enabledLanguageIds languageIds for the files to spell check.
flagWords list of words to always be considered incorrect.
ignorePaths Glob file patterns to be ignored
ignoreRegExpList ignoreRegExpList
ignoreWords list of words to be ignored
includeRegExpList includeRegExpList
languageSettings Additional settings for individual languages.
patterns Defines a list of patterns that can be used in ignoreRegExpList and includeRegExpList
words list of words to be always considered correct