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disallowAnonymousFunctions - Requires that a function expression be named. Named functions provide more information in the error stack trace than anonymous functions. This option does not help if you use Arrow functions (ES6) which are always anonymous.
disallowArrowFunctions - Disallows arrow functions.
disallowCapitalizedComments - Requires the first alphabetical character of a comment to be lowercase.
disallowCommaBeforeLineBreak - Disallows commas as last token on a line in lists.
disallowCurlyBraces - Disallows curly braces after statements.
disallowDanglingUnderscores - Disallows identifiers that start or end in _. Some popular identifiers are automatically listed as exceptions: __proto__ (javascript), _ (underscore.js), __filename (node.js global), __dirname (node.js global), super_ (node.js, used by util.inherits).
disallowEmptyBlocks - Disallows empty blocks (except for catch blocks).
disallowFunctionDeclarations - Disallows function declarations.
disallowIdenticalDestructuringNames - Disallows identical destructuring names for the key and value in favor of using shorthand destructuring.
disallowIdentifierNames - Disallows a specified set of identifier names.
disallowImplicitTypeConversion - Disallows implicit type conversion.
disallowKeywordsInComments - Disallows one or more keywords in comments.
disallowKeywordsOnNewLine - Disallows placing the specified keywords on a new line.
disallowKeywords - Disallows usage of the specified keywords.
disallowMixedSpacesAndTabs - Requires lines to not contain both spaces and tabs consecutively, or spaces after tabs only for alignment if "smart
disallowMultiLineTernary - Disallows the test, consequent and alternate to be on separate lines when using the ternary operator.
disallowMultipleLineBreaks - Disallows multiple blank lines in a row.
disallowMultipleLineStrings - Disallows strings that span multiple lines without using concatenation.
disallowMultipleSpaces - Disallows multiple indentation characters (tabs or spaces) between identifiers, keywords, and any other token.
disallowMultipleVarDecl - Disallows multiple `var` declaration (except for-loop).
disallowNamedUnassignedFunctions - Disallows unassigned functions to be named inline.
disallowNestedTernaries - Disallows nested ternaries.
disallowNewlineBeforeBlockStatements - Disallows newline before opening curly brace of all block statements.
disallowNodeTypes - Disallow use of certain node types (from Esprima/ESTree). Value equals an array of parser node types to be disallowed.
disallowNotOperatorsInConditionals - Disallows the not, not equals, and strict not equals operators in conditionals.
disallowObjectKeysOnNewLine - Disallows placing object keys on new line.
disallowOperatorBeforeLineBreak - Requires putting certain operators on the next line rather than on the current line before a line break.
disallowPaddingNewLinesAfterBlocks - Disallow a newline after blocks.
disallowPaddingNewLinesAfterUseStrict - Disallow a blank line after 'use strict'; statements.
disallowPaddingNewLinesBeforeExport - Disallows newline before module.exports.
disallowPaddingNewlinesBeforeKeywords - Disallow an empty line above the specified keywords.
disallowPaddingNewLinesBeforeLineComments - Disallows newline before line comments.
disallowPaddingNewlinesInBlocks - Disallows blocks from beginning or ending with 2 newlines.
disallowPaddingNewLinesInObjects - Disallows newlines adjacent to curly braces in all object literals.
disallowParenthesesAroundArrowParam - Disallows parentheses around arrow function expressions that contain a single parameter.
disallowQuotedKeysInObjects - Disallows quoted keys in object if possible.
disallowSemicolons - Disallows lines from ending in a semicolon.
disallowShorthandArrowFunctions - Require arrow functions to use a block statement (explicit return).
disallowSpaceAfterBinaryOperators - Requires sticking binary operators to the right.
disallowSpaceAfterComma - Disallows spaces after commas.
disallowSpaceAfterKeywords - Disallows space after the specified keywords. A value of true will require spaces after all possible keywords.
disallowSpaceAfterLineComment - Requires that a line comment (//) not be followed by a space.
disallowSpaceAfterObjectKeys - Disallows space after object keys.
disallowSpaceAfterPrefixUnaryOperators - Requires sticking unary operators to the right.
disallowSpaceBeforeBinaryOperators - Requires sticking binary operators to the left.
disallowSpaceBeforeBlockStatements - Disallows space before block statements (for loops, control structures).
disallowSpaceBeforeComma - Disallows spaces before commas.
disallowSpaceBeforeKeywords - Disallows space before keyword.
disallowSpaceBeforeObjectValues - Disallows space before object values.
disallowSpaceBeforePostfixUnaryOperators - Requires sticking unary operators to the left.
disallowSpaceBeforeSemicolon - Disallows spaces before semicolons.
disallowSpaceBetweenArguments - Ensure there are no spaces after argument separators in call expressions.
disallowSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression - Disallows space before () or {} in anonymous function expressions.
disallowSpacesInCallExpression - Disallows space before () in call expressions.
disallowSpacesInConditionalExpression - Disallows space before and/or after ? or : in conditional expressions.
disallowSpacesInForStatement - Disallow spaces in between for statement.
disallowSpacesInFunction - Disallows space before `()` or `{}` in function expressions (both named and anonymous) and function declarations.
disallowSpacesInFunctionDeclaration - Disallows space before () or {} in function declarations.
disallowSpacesInFunctionExpression - Disallows space before `()` or `{}` in function expressions (both named and anonymous).
disallowSpacesInGenerator - Disallow space before or after * in generator functions.
disallowSpacesInNamedFunctionExpression - Disallows space before () or {} in named function expressions
disallowSpacesInsideArrayBrackets - Disallows space after opening array square bracket and before closing. Reports only on arrays, not on property accessors. Use disallowSpacesInsideBrackets to report on all brackets.
disallowSpacesInsideBrackets - Disallows space after opening square bracket and before closing. Reports on all on brackets, even on property accessors. Use disallowSpacesInsideArrayBrackets to exclude property accessors.
disallowSpacesInsideObjectBrackets - Disallows space after opening object curly brace and before closing.
disallowSpacesInsideParentheses - Disallows space after opening round bracket and before closing.
disallowSpacesInsideParenthesizedExpression - Disallows space after opening and before closing grouping parentheses.
disallowSpacesInsideTemplateStringPlaceholders - Disallows spaces before and after curly brace inside template string placeholders.
disallowTabs - Disallows tabs everywhere.
disallowTrailingComma - Disallows an extra comma following the final element of an array or object literal.
disallowTrailingWhitespace - Requires all lines to end on a non-whitespace character.
disallowUnusedParams - Disallows unused params in function expression and function declaration.
disallowYodaConditions - Requires the variable to be the left hand operator when doing a boolean comparison. Array of quoted operators or true to disallow yoda conditions for most possible comparison operators.
additionalRules Path to load additional rules
excludeFiles Disables style checking for specified paths.
jsDoc.checkAnnotations - Checks whether tag names are valid.
jsDoc.checkParamExistence - Checks whether all parameters are documented.
jsDoc.checkParamNames - Checks whether param names in jsdoc and in function declaration are equal.
jsDoc.requireParamTypes - Checks whether params in jsdoc contains type.
jsDoc.checkRedundantParams - Reports redundant params in jsdoc.
jsDoc.checkReturnTypes - Checks for differences between the jsdoc and actual return types if both exist.
jsDoc.checkRedundantReturns - Report statements for functions without a return, which are described with an @return tag.
jsDoc.requireReturnTypes - Checks whether @returns in jsdoc contains type.
jsDoc.checkTypes - Reports invalid types for bunch of tags.
jsDoc.checkRedundantAccess - Reports redundant access declarations.
jsDoc.leadingUnderscoreAccess - Checks whether access declaration is set for _underscored function names. Ignores a bunch of popular identifiers: __filename, __dirname, __proto__, __defineGetter__, super_, __constructor, etc.
jsDoc.enforceExistence - Checks whether jsdoc block exists.
jsDoc.requireHyphenBeforeDescription - Checks whether a jsdoc param description has a hyphen before it (checks for -).
jsDoc.requireNewlineAfterDescription - Checks whether a jsdoc comment description has a padding (trailing) newline separator between it and additional @tags.
jsDoc.disallowNewlineAfterDescription - Checks whether a jsdoc comment description has no padding (trailing) newline separator between it and additional @tags.
jsDoc.requireDescriptionCompleteSentence - Checks whether a jsdoc comment description is a complete sentence. A complete sentence is defined as starting with an upper case letter and ending with a period.
jsDoc.requireParamDescription - Checks whether a jsdoc param description exists.
jsDoc.requireReturnDescription - Checks whether a jsdoc return description exists.
maximumLineLength - Requires all lines to be at most the number of characters specified.
maximumNumberOfLines - Requires the file to be at most the number of lines specified.
preset - Extends defined rules with preset rules.
requireAlignedMultilineParams - Enforces indentation of parameters in multiline functions.
requireAlignedObjectValues - Requires proper alignment in object literals.
requireAnonymousFunctions - Requires that a function expression be anonymous.
requireArrayDestructuring - Requires that variable assignment from array values are * destructured.
requireArrowFunctions - Requires that arrow functions are used instead of anonymous function expressions in callbacks.
requireBlocksOnNewline - Requires blocks to begin and end with a newline.
requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers - Requires identifiers to be camelCased or UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
requireCapitalizedComments - Requires the first alphabetical character of a comment to be uppercase, unless it is part of a multi-line textblock. This rule automatically ignores jscs, jshint, eslint, and istanbul specific comments.
requireCapitalizedConstructorsNew - Requires capitalized constructors to to use the new keyword.
requireCapitalizedConstructors - Requires constructors to be capitalized (except for "this")
requireCommaBeforeLineBreak - Requires commas as last token on a line in lists.
requireCurlyBraces - Requires curly braces after statements. A value of true will require curly braces for all the necessary keywords: if, else, for, while do, try, catch, case, and default.
requireDollarBeforejQueryAssignment - Require a $ before variable names that are jquery assignments.
requireDotNotation - Requires member expressions to use dot notation when possible.
requireEarlyReturn - Requires early return in a function.
requireEnhancedObjectLiterals - Requires declaring objects via ES6 enhanced object literals.
requireFunctionDeclarations - Requires function declarations by disallowing assignment of functions expressions to variables. Function expressions are allowed in all other contexts, including when passed as function arguments or immediately invoked. Assignment of function expressions to object members is also permitted, since these can't be declared.
requireImportAlphabetized - Requires imports to be alphabetized (A-Z).
requireKeywordsOnNewLine - Requires placing the specified keywords on a new line.
requireLineBreakAfterVariableAssignment - Requires placing line feed after assigning a variable.
requireLineFeedAtFileEnd - Requires placing line feed at file end.
requireMatchingFunctionName - Requires function names to match member and property names. It doesn't affect anonymous functions nor functions assigned to members or properties named with a reserved word. Assigning to module.exports is also ignored, unless includeModuleExports: true is configured.
requireMultiLineTernary - Requires the test, consequent and alternate to be on separate lines when using the ternary operator.
requireMultipleVarDecl - Requires multiple `var` declaration.
requireNamedUnassignedFunctions - Require unassigned functions to be named inline.
requireNewlineBeforeBlockStatements - Requires newline before opening curly brace of all block statements. If true, always requires newline before curly brace of block statements. Array specifies block-type keywords after which newlines are required before curly brace.
requireNumericLiterals - Requires use of binary, hexadecimal, and octal literals instead of parseInt.
requireObjectDestructuring - Requires variable declarations from objects via destructuring.
requireObjectKeysOnNewLine - Requires placing object keys on new line.
requireOperatorBeforeLineBreak - Requires operators to appear before line breaks and not after.
requirePaddingNewLineAfterVariableDeclaration - Requires an extra blank newline after var declarations, as long as it is not the last expression in the current block.
requirePaddingNewLinesAfterBlocks - Requires newline after blocks.
requirePaddingNewLinesAfterUseStrict - Requires a blank line after 'use strict'; statements.
requirePaddingNewLinesBeforeExport - Requires newline before module.exports.
requirePaddingNewlinesBeforeKeywords - Requires an empty line above the specified keywords unless the keyword is the first expression in a block. If true, specifies that the spacedKeywords found in the utils module require an empty line above it. Array values indicate keywords that require an empty line above it.
requirePaddingNewLinesBeforeLineComments - Requires newline before line comments.
requirePaddingNewlinesInBlocks - Requires blocks to begin and end with 2 newlines.
requirePaddingNewLinesInObjects - Requires newline inside curly braces of all objects.
requireParenthesesAroundArrowParam - Requires parentheses around arrow function expressions with a single parameter.
requireParenthesesAroundIIFE - Requires parentheses around immediately invoked function expressions.
requireQuotedKeysInObjects - Requires quoted keys in objects.
requireSemicolons - Requires semicolon after: var declaration, expression statement, return, throw, break, continue, do-while.
requireShorthandArrowFunctions - Require arrow functions to use an expression body when returning a single statement (no block statement, implicit return).
requireSpaceAfterBinaryOperators - Disallows sticking binary operators to the right.
requireSpaceAfterComma - Requires space after comma.
requireSpaceAfterKeywords - Requires space after the specified keywords. A value of true will disallow spaces after all possible keywords.
requireSpaceAfterLineComment - Requires that a line comment (`//`) be followed by a space.
requireSpaceAfterObjectKeys - Requires space after object keys.
requireSpaceAfterPrefixUnaryOperators - Disallows sticking unary operators to the right.
requireSpaceBeforeBinaryOperators - Disallows sticking binary operators to the left.
requireSpaceBeforeBlockStatements - Requires space before block statements (for loops, control structures).
requireSpaceBeforeComma - Requires a space before a comma.
requireSpaceBeforeKeywords - Requires a space before a keyword.
requireSpaceBeforeObjectValues - Requires space after object keys.
requireSpaceBeforePostfixUnaryOperators - Disallows sticking unary operators to the left.
requireSpaceBetweenArguments - Ensure there are spaces after argument separators in call expressions.
requireSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression - Requires space before `()` or `{}` in function expressions (both named and anonymous).
requireSpacesInCallExpression - Requires space before `()` in call expressions.
requireSpacesInConditionalExpression - Requires space before and/or after `?` or `:` in conditional expressions.
requireSpacesInForStatement - Requires spaces in between `for` statement.
requireSpacesInFunction - Requires space before `()` or `{}` in function expressions (both named and anonymous) and function declarations.
requireSpacesInFunctionDeclaration - Requires space before `()` or `{}` in function declarations.
requireSpacesInFunctionExpression - Requires space before `()` or `{}` in function expressions (both named and anonymous).
requireSpacesInGenerator - Requires space before and after `*` in generator functions.
requireSpacesInNamedFunctionExpression - Requires space before `()` or `{}` in named function expressions.
requireSpacesInsideArrayBrackets - Requires space after opening array square bracket and before closing. Reports only on arrays, not on property accessors. Use requireSpacesInsideBrackets to report on all brackets.
requireSpacesInsideBrackets - Requires space after opening square bracket and before closing. Reports on all on brackets, even on property accessors. Use requireSpacesInsideArrayBrackets to exclude property accessors.
requireSpacesInsideObjectBrackets - Requires space after opening object curly brace and before closing.
requireSpacesInsideParentheses - Requires space after opening round bracket and before closing.
requireSpacesInsideParenthesizedExpression - Requires space after opening and before closing grouping parentheses.
requireSpread - Disallows using `.apply` in favor of the spread operator.
requireTemplateStrings - Requires the use of template strings instead of string concatenation.
requireTrailingComma - Requires an extra comma following the final element of an array or object literal.
requireVarDeclFirst - Requires `var` declaration to be on the top of an enclosing scope.
requireYodaConditions - Requires the variable to be the right hand operator when doing a boolean comparison. An array of quoted operators can be supplied to indicate which operators requires yoda conditions.
safeContextKeyword - Option to check `var that = this` expressions.
validateAlignedFunctionParameters - Validates proper alignment of function parameters.
validateCommentPosition - This rule is for validating the positioning of line comments. Block comments are ignored. Comments that start with the following keywords are also ignored: `eslint`, `jshint`, `jslint`, `istanbul`, `global`, `exported`, `jscs`, `falls through` eg. // jshint strict: true
validateIndentation - Validates indentation for switch statements and block statements.
validateLineBreaks - Option to check line break characters.
validateNewlineAfterArrayElements - Requires each element in array on a single line when array length is more than passed maximum number or array fills more than one line.
validateOrderInObjectKeys - Validates the order in object keys.
validateParameterSeparator - Enable validation of separators between function parameters. Will ignore newlines.
validateQuoteMarks - Requires all quote marks to be either the supplied value, or consistent if `true`.
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