bases DEPRECATED. Bases are relative paths or git repository URLs specifying a directory containing a kustomization.yaml file.
buildMetadata BuildMetadata is a list of strings used to toggle different build options
configMapGenerator ConfigMapGenerator is a list of configmaps to generate from local data (one configMap per list item)
configurations Configurations is a list of transformer configuration files
crds Crds specifies relative paths to Custom Resource Definition files. This allows custom resources to be recognized as operands, making it possible to add them to the Resources list. CRDs themselves are not modified.
generators Generators is a list of files containing custom generators
helmCharts HelmCharts is a list of helm chart configuration instances
images Images is a list of (image name, new name, new tag or digest) for changing image names, tags or digests. This can also be achieved with a patch, but this operator is simpler to specify.
labels Labels to add to all objects but not selectors
replacements Substitute field(s) in N target(s) with a field from a source
patches Apply a patch to multiple resources
patchesJson6902 JSONPatches is a list of JSONPatch for applying JSON patch. See
patchesStrategicMerge PatchesStrategicMerge specifies the relative path to a file containing a strategic merge patch. URLs and globs are not supported
replicas Replicas is a list of (resource name, count) for changing number of replicas for a resources. It will match any group and kind that has a matching name and that is one of: Deployment, ReplicationController, Replicaset, Statefulset.
resources Resources specifies relative paths to files holding YAML representations of kubernetes API objects. URLs and globs not supported.
components Components are relative paths or git repository URLs specifying a directory containing a kustomization.yaml file of Kind Component.
secretGenerator SecretGenerator is a list of secrets to generate from local data (one secret per list item)
transformers Transformers is a list of files containing transformers
validators Validators is a list of files containing validators
vars Allows things modified by kustomize to be injected into a container specification. A var is a name (e.g. FOO) associated with a field in a specific resource instance. The field must contain a value of type string, and defaults to the name field of the instance
envs A list of file paths. The contents of each file should be one key=value pair per line
files A list of file sources to use in creating a list of key, value pairs
literals A list of literal pair sources. Each literal source should be a key and literal value, e.g. `key=value`